Business Data

Unmatched accuracy and intelligence.

Access unique data categories and market intelligence on thousands of businesses across Ireland and the UK

About MAP Data

Increase your market size by up to 2.5x with MAP

MAP is our advanced data classification system that analyses companies’ marketplace activities through their digital footprints.

Through our MAP database we offer an extensive range of data variables and intelligence to empower sales and marketing teams.

What makes MAP different

A smart data model with targeted relevance 

We use AI and Machine Learning to analyse and sort through millions of company websites to identify what they do based on how they describe themselves.

Our algorithm enables hyper-specificity in classifying all this data into MAP profiles – with information and categories unlike anywhere else on the market.

MAP Data Advantages

Easily find your target audience and explore data categories

Explore unique data categories

Build accurate data lists in seconds with over 55+ unique filters and categories

Unmatched data accuracy

Get accurate data on businesses and market intelligence you won’t find anywhere else

Essential for teams

Access data and intelligence in one single unified source

The Sunstone database empowers teams with accurate, centralised information on clients and potential prospects.


Unique data categories


Average market increase


Businesses logged


Key stats collected

Our categories

Easily explore the most accurate B2B data and MAP categories.

Find buyers, close deals, and watch your business grow with Sunstone’s MAP database, powered by AI. See some of our most popular data categories below.

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Company Data

All data at a glance: addresses, contacts, industry, eircode, VAT, companies house & a short company description.

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Verified, up-to-date generic or direct email addresses of company contacts within an organisation. 

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B2B Contacts

Names, job titles, numbers, and email addresses of executives and leadership responsible for business operations. 

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Phone Numbers

Verified phone numbers for associated contacts and businesses.

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Discover companies by financial information, including turnover, market data, press releases, and more. 

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All industry information: explore different industry types, sectors, or sort by specific jobs within an industry. 

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Social Media

Discover social media profiles for companies, including any relevant statistics and sentiment analysis. 

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Search for specific products or service types.

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Discover companies by location, including provinces, county, county details, addresses, and Eircodes. 

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Explore company data using keywords associated with different MAP profiles. 

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Search companies by their personal ethos or values. 

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Recent Events

Explore companies by any recent news or press releases.

who we work with

Explore Ireland’s most accurate database for market intelligence

Benefits of Sunstone Intelligence

Search for key data across companies

Improve Processes

Ensure precision sales targeting

Avoid wasting time and money

Get accurate market data fast and simple

Close more deals

Use the Sunstone to find essential data to help your team close deals faster

Build your pipeline

Discover new markets and clients that fit your customer profiles

AI powered search

Get AI reccomended searches based on your current clients

Take the guesswork out of who to target next and access a list of net-new, high-value leads based on your past successful prospecting activities.

Ready to get started?

Let’s see what we can do together. Get started with us today.